Sunday, June 28, 2009


We all have choices.
I have made many choices in my life.
The choice to convert was not made quickly or in haste. It was a process that was mindful and heartfelt. Yet despite all the preparation, prayer, and support sometimes it still surprises how much things have changed.

This choice changed everything........

This past week I got the invitation to my high school 30th Reunion. 30 years ago I was living in a very different place. That place in a different state...geographical...that state, psychological...that state, metaphoric.

oh yea....the date of the reunion....Friday September 18th....Shabbat and Rosh Hashanah ! As far as I remember there was not a single Jewish person in my entire high school class, actually to be honest there were only two African Americans in my class of 79'....So much has changed...but basically somethings remain the same. My home town has a few more families of color then when I lived there...but ultimately it is mostly a blue collar working class white catholic place. When I sent my regrets via the facebook page set up for the event the answer I received was a surprise.

Dear Reunion Committee,

I received the reunion invite...It looks like it will be a lovely time. Unfortunately although I had planned on attending, when I went to put the date in my blackberry, I saw that it is on Rosh Hashanah, a very major Jewish holiday. This leaves me out...I know it isn't an issue for more than likely the majority of our class but it is where my life has taken me.......thanks for all your hard work...and I hope all have fun!


I completely understand and I am sorry. You must follow your heart.

I have made many choices.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely post, and also a lovely response to your letter 'You must follow your heart' - indeed you must.


Dunking Rachael

Love, Faith and Life